Friday, August 26, 2022

Question about something that happened to me

Hey everyone, first time posting here!Last year I had a bit of a nasty situation happen, let me explain:About a year ago I was going home after teaching a class, I was cycling and someone cut me off. I waved at them and thought that was it, accident avoided. But no.This very large drunk man and his wife/kids followed me in their car to my apartment building’s door. The man then got off the car and started yelling at me to apologize to his wife for “flipping her off” or she would bash my face in. Keep in mind, I am from Spain and a small dude so I got scared shitless. I tried to explain I did not try to offend them but to no avail. Out of fear for my life I just did what he wanted and fake apologized to the wife.Case point, I genuinely thought I was going to get the beat up of my life. It was that exact moment that I started thinking about what would’ve happened if the guy had wanted to kill me, shoot me or whatever.My question for is, in the United States, would it have been illegal to defend myself with say, pepper spray? This has also made me realize why concealed carry is a thing. In Spain at least you cannot use a weapon unless the attacker uses the same weapon (stupid, I know) but in the US, could you have drawn your weapon to defend yourself?Apologies for my ignorance, I tried googling it but I could not get a straight answer. Having said this, any recommendations for a pepper spray? via /r/CCW

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