Wednesday, August 24, 2022

After 5 years my one of neighbors overly-agressive, terortial dogs out of there 5. Made me feel the need to draw my ccw piece but I didn't have to use it.

Long post if it's not acceptable sorry. The BackstoryWe live in the middle of nowhere, neighbors keep to themselves and we have never had any issues. Aside from the dogs. And I have never felt the faintest bit of fear or doubt around any dog before. But the beligan malinois, and the Great Dane mix just scare me to death at times. I can usually ignore them and they just attempt to harras, or protect what they see as there terrortoy I assume. Sometimes it goes way to far though.They have a total of about 5 dogs like this, a 140 ish pound great/Dane mix, a belgian malinois, 2 pitbulls, and a boxer mix. When you go to get to the mailbox by foot or car. If the dogs are out they will come down when you arrive at the mailbox. They come down the neighbors property which is right next to ours. The will stop at the edge of it 4-25 feet away from you depends on the particular dog.The behavior depends on the dog they display is typically teeth showing, tails up stiff, hunched down ready to pounce. Or barking growling ready to charge, jump bite, snapping . And they follow your car, or you walking halfway up the driveway on my property. always staying 3-6 feet away displaying the same behavior. They do cross onto our property multiple times a day to do this. I nearly lost a chunk of my arm to the 140 pound dog a few years back. Ducked arm back enough got lucky.And they do this every time we get the mail, or walk down the driveway 5 plus Years of it. And walk back up. Or when you are working on the driveway etc. Members of the household refuse to get the mail due to dogs.They have never put up a fence, underground eletric fence, or kept the dogs on there property. One of there dogs got hit by a car last year the 140 pound one. He made it without a scratch.Today's EventI walked down the driveway to get the mail about 7:30 figuring the dogs would be out. I got to the mailbox same behavior repates itself. Slightly different than normal though the belgian malinois looked more aggressive than normal. I walked back up the driveway and the dogs follow through the neighbors property.They stop on there favorite hill of gravel on my property to bark, growl, and be overprotective. I stop to look at the dogs as I usually do shake my head and move on. However today though the belgian malinois and the boxer mix stop on the gravel hill on my roperty.The belgian hunched down, all my body hair stood up, I sincerely felt like I was about to get mauled. Belgian lunges foreward 4 feet closer to me. I don't know the dog owner was up there when I walked down the driveway. Didn't see him usually don't see him they where 175 feet away apparently near the house.My first response was an attempt to save myself. For the first time in my life i felt I had to draw my ccw piece to possibly save myself from there dogs. The dog charged any came 4 feet and backed up. I now learn the owner is there, and they yell put that gun down now and walk away. While im on my property not theirs. After they said that the beligan relaxed a bit. I saw the owner at that point it looked like he had a rifle with him wasn't sure I put my ccw piece away and attempted. To move dog lunged at me again so I once again drew my ccw. The dog owner and neighbor said again put that gun away now "if you know whats good for you i won't say it again last chance" Dog relaxed again much more this time.So I put ccw piece up and say to the owner "I'm sorry but your dog scared the shit out of me again" the response was "I'm not giving you one more chance walk away I don't want to hear it" so I proceed to walk up the driveway and the dogs don't follow me. But I hear 3 rifle sots on 3 steel targets or when I'm 30 feet up my driveway. Confirmed he had a rifle with him. I guessed that was his warning to me to never raise my ccw against his dogs on my property. When I have never done that to them before, or ever felt the need to until now.My plansI plan to write the dog owner a nice sincere letter as to why i felt like i had no other choice to draw my ccw piece for the first time in my . With the past 5 years of history with there dogs in excurating detail with every single instance including today. And the older family member who is afraid to walk down the driveway, or to get out of the car to get the mail. And to preface the fact that this needs to be addressed immediately because nonthing had been done in 5 plus years. AndIn addition to that Im stopping by the sheriff's office tomorrow to ask about dangerous dog, or potentially dangerous dog laws in my state. And give them a rundown of the events. And our past history with the dogs, and the owner of the dogs. Because there are potentially dangerous dog ordinances state wide but the county or municipal authority has to designate a person or board. And to notify them in writing about it there is an appeals process for it.I would like to talk to the owner and try to arrange something to prevent problems that we have never had before. Or ones that have been ignored. If I could have the sherif come out and see if we can peacefully discuss it. Because I have to get the mail and I would rather not repeate this. It was extremely unpleasant and will only get worse at best. I don't think I'm in the wrong here and all my actions were warranted. And I'll do everything I can to prevent it from getting worse. But I really don't feel like the asshole for once in my life. via /r/CCW

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