Friday, August 19, 2022

Pepper spray

Ok so I’d like to start off with if your going to down vote this I’d like a response for a reasoning to get other peoples views, A lot of people like pepper spray and carry it and it doesn’t really make sense to me having discussed the topic with some law enforcement and military members that have gone through the pepper spray course and some that have used it in real world scenarios , most all have said it is NOT a “stopper” people will continue to attack and some people have minimal to no effect with it and they have stated that pepper spray is most effective in relatively close distances and that the bad guy will still be able to close that distance. Also I’ve heard and in some instances agree with that the use of pepper spray can escalate the situation with pissing the bad guy off. For instance if U spray someone and they come back and u transition to a firearms wether you discharge it or not it can be looked at and argued you escalated the force by pepper spraying the person. via /r/CCW

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