Tuesday, August 9, 2022

They’re going to take it, and it’s going to be EXPENSIVE

Just a friendly reminder: If you get into a situation that requires you to use your firearm defensively, the responding law enforcement agency will take your gun from you and keep it for the duration of their investigation. How long is that? It depends. It depends on the efficiency of the agency, the efficiency of the district attorney or prosecutor’s office, the efficiency of the crime and ballistics lab, the complexity of the situation or case, the political disposition of the jurisdiction where the shooting occurred, the type of investigating agency, prosecution or not.In general, expect to not have your gun back for anywhere from 3 months to 3 years. No amount of complaining or appealing to bosses, chiefs, or Sherifs will help. It’s considered evidence and as a such, is subject to the rules of evidence.Why do I say this? Well, did you save up for a year to buy that Wilson Combat custom or Kimber Rapide? That’s a pricey gun. Are you willing to not have it for three years because you had to defend yourself from a meth-head with a knife 6 feet away from you? There’s no right or wrong answer here, but in my opinion, it’s easier to hand over a S&W Shield or Glock 43 than an HK USP or an Ed Brown Special Forces Carry with a $400 optic.Both ends of the spectrum will get the job of defense done. Just something to consider.Also, do you have self-defense insurance? If not, it’s going to cost you $20,00-$50,000 just for the retainer for an attorney, plus all of the expenses after for the inevitable criminal or civil action that always follows. Got half-a-million dollars lying around? Maybe more? $30 per month is a small price to pay for that piece of mind.Source: I’m a 17-year law enforcement veteran and former major crimes investigator. Seen it over and over again. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/kGUpSbu

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