Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Understanding *exactly* what people mean by "don't talk to the police", e.g. in the case of Greenwood?

This question has got a lot of airtime in this sub. We're all familiar with the famous YouTube law professor lecture "Don't Talk to the Police", and any r/ccw thread addressing this topic has people immediately giving honestly somewhat reductive, simple comments of "don't talk to the police" with no further explanation: example 1, example 2, example 3There's even a collection of videos that John Correia did with attorney Marc Victor about legal questions post-shooting, and in one, Marc says (I'm paraphrasing) "if you even say 'you shot' or 'your gun', you have locked yourself into a 'legal theory' about what happened, who knows, maybe you weren't there or the gun wasn't yours?" This seems to me bordering on the extreme when it comes to taking the advice as literally as humanly possible.Forgive me if I come across as obtusely particular, but I want to understand exactly what people mean when they say do not talk to the police under any circumstances besides basic information like identifying yourself. Like, people in the above-linked comments section advocate for simply calling 911 and saying "someone was shot" and then hanging up. If someone charges you with a knife and you defend yourself, do you call 911, say 'someone was shot', hang up, stand there until police arrive, and then tell the police "my name is X and I will not say anything further without my attorney present"? Is it expected that we all implicitly accept that we will be arrested after any such event, that it will be unavoidable to spend a night in jail, no matter how clear-cut the case was?Further, to circle back to the example in the title - imagine you are Eli Dicken: a mass shooter bursts into the mall and starts shooting, you put him down quickly through outstanding marksmanship under immense pressure, and there are a hundred witnesses. When the police arrive and the bystanders are telling them how the other guy is a mass shooter and you heroically stopped him, do you tell the police "my name is X and I won't say anything further without my attorney" and get arrested? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/KUpFgio

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