Thursday, August 4, 2022

Armchair quarterbacking requested

We took our oldest daughter out to celebrate her birthday, and in the course of those events we ended up going to a crowded, public event that would be considered a "non-permissive environment" where CCW is concerned. I don't like the idea of my entire world being in one place, and that place being public, crowded, well advertised, and likely unprotected, so I may or may not have chosen to carry anyways. While attending this sporting event, an older man (late 50s, early 60s) began talking to my daughters about how beautiful they were, and just generally being creepy. After a few minutes he stopped, and left them alone, but he was fast approaching a level of interest in them that seemed more than just friendly conversation. While I chose not to say anything, and simply observe and be alert, for concern that a conflict may arise and the fact that I was, or was not, carrying might become a legal issue if LE got involved, I can't help but feel like there may have been a better way to navigate this situation. Sitting there and listening as he made myself and my fianceé uncomfortable just didn't feel right, but I wasn't sure how to politely say, "you're creeping us out". Any thoughts? via /r/CCW

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