Friday, June 17, 2022

I drew my gun for the first time.

I'm very detailed. Don't read it if you don't want to.I work 2nd shifts and get off work at 12:00 midnight, I work in Castle Rock and live in Colorado Springs. I had to stop late at a gas station about 5 minutes from my house. When I was checking out a girl asked me for help because she needed to contact her parents. She didn't know their phone numbers but was asking to sign in through snapchat. For some reason or another she was alone and needed help. When I asked her age she said 12.She contacted her sister and she said her parents were on the way, I didn't feel like leaving the child alone at 1:00am at a 7-11 so I told her I'd wait until her ride got there. Usually I'm in and out at gas stations because I don't like the variables but I ended up waiting for about 20 minutes. We stood outside the window by the counter and awaited her family.Then the night made another unexpected left turn.While me and the girl were outside the gas station waiting for her parents a man and a woman walked up to the store; they appeared to be homeless, the man was pushing a broken bicycle and the woman was carrying multiple bags.Then the woman, said "You need to give me everything you have on you"I said "Back up; I have nothing for you."She dropped her bags and kept walking up to me with her arms to her side. She said something like "Fk you mother fker I'm buying fking meth ain't cheap ill take you down fk you f**king...I told her to "Stay the fuck away. And chose to hold my ground. I'm not sure why. I looked at the man she arrived with and he was unfazed, just watching.As I shouted at him to "Get her away from me." She approached and hit me twice in the stomach.He dropped the bicycle and lunged forward.I took two steps back as I drew from my appendix and held the gun downward."Stay the FUCK away."I had a knife, but didn't like my odds. Still I so badly wanted this to end non-violently.I drew a gun because I believed my life in danger. Without regard for a public setting she hit me and attempted to rob me. I had no idea what either of them were capable of or what they were armed with and I wasn't about to be the silver medalist for fastest shot.Still holding the gun downward in my right hand. My left hand in front of me basically in a "stop" signThe man said "Hey man we don't want none of that you don't need to be doin that. She's crazy I'm not even with her we was just talkin..."She remarkably moved forward again at me, barehanded and he grabbed her.I repeated that he needed to get her away from me and he did. She walked backwards as he held her arms and screamed at me. After they were about 10 feet away, and still retreating, I reholsterd.The girl I was helping remarkably hadn't fled, perhaps as frozen as I was, but she was crying. The cashier came out as they were leaving to ask if I wanted the police.I've never drawn before. I've never needed to.Even if I could fight one person, I knew I couldn't fight two.The girl was upset and I tried to calm her down, she was concerned that I was okay because she saw the woman hit me but didn't mention anything about me producing a gun; in fact I'm not sure from her angle she would've even seen it; behind me 5 or so feet to my right as I held a gun downward to my left.LESSONS LEARNED:I should have had a pepper / oc spray.I will carry everyday.I need to find a better way to keep the distance between me and an attacker.I never want to draw my gun again.I never ever want to have to fire it.I will practice more for if I ever do.Try to stop before work not after.You put yourself at risk helping strangers. But it's worth it.I want this community's feedback as I'm sure there's a lot of people familiar with this topic and any opinions are welcomed. Look forward to hearing from you below. via /r/CCW

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