Thursday, June 30, 2022

how do u deal with aggressive teenagers as adult?

My girlfriend was on a bus the other night with her friend who is quite overweight. A gang of teenage girls started harassing them and calling her friend fat and so on. My girlfriend and her friend tried to walk away but the gang followed them and kept harassing them. My girlfriend snapped and confronted the leader of the gang and asked her what her problem was. Obviously she didn't take it well and got physical, pushed and kicked my girlfriend. She didn't hit back and eventually just walked away.

I got quite angry learning about this and been thinking how do you handle something like this? Even if I was there i wouldn't be able to do much without getting myself in trouble legally. In Sweden teens doesn't get punished really for anything but if you as an adult in some way hit back you could get yourself in quite some trouble...

What would be the best course of action to deal with something like this without getting yourself into legal trouble?

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 09:06AM by tallboiiy

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