Friday, June 4, 2021

Y'all tried Axe body spray yet?

I accidentally just got some on my tongue, just a bit, and it didn't end well for my carpet. That said, my first thought after that was that you could really fuck a guy up with it. Think about it:

  • Can holds a lot more than your average pepper spray container

  • multiple uses

  • Less conspicuous than a little knife or before-mentioned pepper spray, probably wouldn't give most security any trouble

  • incredibly powerful. I literally inhaled the fumes after putting it aside and started barfing uncontrollably. I shudder to think what would happen to even the strongest-stomached people if they got hit with a close range blast in the face.

  • if an assailants mouth is closed, give that can a toot anyway and the smell alone will cause someone to open thier mouth to scream in anguish, giving you a shot to go in for the kill

Idk, maybe this is stupid. First time posting here. Guess I'll find out 🤷‍♂️

Submitted June 04, 2021 at 11:21AM by ryanjs1020

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