Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Help me feel safe

I’m afraid of being harassed or killed

I texted this older person for quite some time, ended it not so suddenly but they didn’t expect it, even though I said I’ll do it numerous times, and they always talked me out of it. They liked me and I didn’t reciprocate, my intentions were clear and they stepped over my boundaries. The reason is because I felt manipulated and unsafe when I got to know them better, now I’m anxious that they’ll find me and do something bad to me. We’re not even on the same continent but I know that they’ll come here eventually because they sorted everything out from visa to plain tickets, and they said they always wanted to visit my country and city, even before knowing me. They know what school and city I go to, it’s a massive city but I’m afraid for my own safety. I have no proof of this person being a sociopath or psychopath besides that they became possessive and little bit controlling at the end of our days of talking, they stepped my boundaries of friends only relationship, even texted me through other accounts and new ones after I blocked them on everything, which is the reason why I felt manipulated and unsafe. No any major red flags during our conversations besides that and that I took everything with a dose of skepticism. They were allegedly in a very bad situation, their close family member died, that’s how they explained their behavior, they were also in quarantine and they saw comfort in talking to me during tough times. I already gave away too much, I’m so paranoid to the point of not being able to sleep at night from anxiety. I know that chances are slim, but still possible. I’m so disappointed in myself for being in this situation, I don’t know how I didn’t think rationally. I’m disgusted at myself because this is all my fault. Please help me, I need advice on what to do next to feel safer. I’m sorry for the long paragraph but I had to tell someone.

Submitted June 30, 2021 at 09:58PM by loadofbarnacles66

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