Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Might have needed it, didn't have it.

Visited DC with the fam and after a full day of exploring, we decided to get some fast food. Being that this was our first time in DC, we didn't know the breakdown of the city, which parts are good, which parts are bad. So we chose a McDonald's with a drive through in what we learned later was a less than stellar neighborhood.So we get in line and I notice a lady is panhandling in the drive through lane. No big deal, windows are up and I double check our doors are locked. I'm looking at her, mainly out of pity, as she bugs the truck in front of us for what I presume is food or money. Suddenly, she grabs their door handle and starts yanking it, trying to open the door of their pickup truck. This was my first red flag and I started to feel the adrenaline going a bit. The truck ends up moving to the next window, she follows and we order without incident.Once we get up to the pick up/pay window, I notice a very shady looking gentleman standing around the corner of the window, less than 5 feet from the driver side door of our car. He's standing outside, wearing a blue mask, hands are in his pockets and he's staring us down. Luckily, the space between the wall and the car was too tight, so he couldn't snatch my card, food or do any harm if he had melee weapons. In any case, I don't like the look of this and now my gut is really telling me something bad is about to happen/can happen. I left the car in drive and angled my wheels to the right so I could peel away at any moment. Simultaneously, I kept my eyes locked on the individual and watched his hands and eyes. Fortunately nothing happened and we ended up getting our food and getting the fuck out of there ASAP.Very anticlimactic ending, I know. But I presume 9/10 potential self defense scenarios end up being very anticlimactic.Bit of a post AAR for myself:I'm really proud of myself for instinctively knowing to watch the hands and eyes. This is something I picked up from ASP and for all I know, him realizing I was also staring him down made him reconsider his course of action.I'm also proud for making use of what I had, namely a 3 ton vehicle which I was prepared to use to escape or defend myself and my family if I had to.If it wasn't obvious before, I didn't have my CCW. DC does not recognize my permit and I wasn't about to bring it to a city which has the greatest concentration of law enforcement in America. If I did have my CCW, I would have likely staged it for a draw or even drew it and concealed it between my legs. What are your thoughts on this? Would I have been right to do so?OC spray is now something I will definitely incorporate into my EDC. I've yet to find a state which prohibits the possession of OC.I should have left the area as soon as I saw the panhandler try to open someone else's door and especially when I saw the guy I described earlier.Thoughts? via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3uXhOyk

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