Thursday, June 17, 2021

Mid-Year Constitutional Carry Update: Last Minute Actions & Prep for Next Year

We have 21 Constitutional Carry states after passing 5 new states this year. Louisiana has a small chance as it passed their legislature and needs either a (D) governor signature or a veto override.PASSED in 2021Congratulations Utah, Montana, Iowa, Tennessee and Texas! Montana also passed campus carry. Ohio passed stand your ground. Indiana made permits free. Alabama made lifetime permits. South Carolina passed open carry.With Texas, 25.5% of the population now has Constitutional Carry. (Source: Census). I think we can safely say a majority of the country now lives under Shall Issue or Constitutional Carry, and with May-Issue looking to hopefully be struck down or neutered by SCOTUS, things are looking up for carry rights.Also, if we get our targets for next year, we'll have 45.9% of the USA. Why next year you ask? Mostly everything else has stalled this year, which brings us to...LouisianaConstitutional carry passed in the legislature, but we need either a governor signature (but the D governor stated he'd veto it) or a veto override. It passed with enough votes to override the veto, but having the votes and actually getting the votes are two different things. Write to your governor to sign it or representatives to override his veto.Quick governor recap: vetoing or not supporting Constitutional Carry has led (either directly or indirectly) to 4 Governor losses in the past ~4 years: Oklahoma, Utah, Montana (party switched from Ds), and South Dakota. It was also a major talking point in Tennessee's and Georgia's governor elections.Louisiana Governor Edwards is term limited, but he may put his party behind in the Governor's race in 2023 in an otherwise R+11 state. I'm not sure if this will lead to Governor Edwards signing it, but it will put the Louisiana Governorship at slightly better odds to flip Republican and may allow us to prepare for a Constitutional Carry push when/if he loses.Next YearIndiana: The Senate Leader and possibly also Senator Liz Brown of Fort Wayne killed constitutional carry before it even got to committee. This is a good future primary opportunity. Let them know you're displeased, donate to opponents, and vote against them next year. Indiana has a good chance at passing if we can get some electoral victories.Alabama: Same story. They passed incremental things but we need some electoral pressure here.South Carolina: Same story.Ohio, Georgia, Florida: No news, likely done. If the states continue towards Rs (OH, FL) I could see it happening, where if the states continue leaning D (GA) I could see it not being possible next year.What can we do to prep for next year?Join GOA, SAF, NRA and any other state lobbying organizations. I was impressed with GOA's lobbying this year in Texas and even in Florida, although Florida didn't work out.Research your candidates and get active in the primaries. Donate to opponents of those who didn't support constitutional carry if you can afford it. If your candidate is pro-constitutional-carry, start writing to them now to let them know you'd like it supported next year as well.This is probably our last update for this year since legislatures move slowly and most bills get pre-filed at the end of the year for next session. Current targets for next year are: Lousiana, Indiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, with possibilities in Ohio and Florida. Please let me know if you're from any of these states and have more information. via /r/CCW

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