Saturday, June 5, 2021

Local gun store cuckery

I went into my local gun store yesterday, something I’ve done many times. However yesterday was different. When I walked in a gentleman asked me if he could help me find anything and I told him I was good I just want to browse. He then asks me if I have a gun. I say I do and motion towards my CONCEALED appendix carry g19, he then proceeds to request I go outside with him and clear my gun. I didn’t feel comfortable with that so I opted to leave and not give these people any more of my money. I can understand if a customer walks in with a gun they want serviced or want to shoot at the range they’d want it cleared because it will be handled, but in my opinion it’s absolutely abhorrent to ask someone to clear their concealed carry gun while in a gun store. It left a seriously bad taste in my mouth and I doubt I’ll go to that store ever again even though they’re the only store with a silencer co kiosk and have a pretty good inventory via /r/CCW

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