Thursday, June 17, 2021

G26 beats bigger Glocks...says my friend

My usually EDC is a Glock 19. I have a G43 for specific situations like when I go for a jog, gas station run, take out the trash, etc. I've been juggling to get a G48.My friend swears by his G26 because "it can take all the bigger mags" and is just as accurate as the bigger guns in a fight. Anytime I mention my bigger gun, he said now you can't use mags of the smaller variety. I told him in a real fight, why would I worry about that. G19 is just the right size for most situations and you get a full grip without worrying about your pinky when you reload.​So what's everyone's take on this weird argument that the G26 is the best Glock for carry via /r/CCW

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