Sunday, June 6, 2021

CCW version of keeping up with the joneses

This is something I have been struggling with for a long time.I bought a tlr3 for my glock years ago. Soon after the innocent all came out and everyone on youtube, gun forums etc.... jumped on board. Then the tlr 7 and 8 comes out and everyone says the all is junk.Knives, guns, flash lights all the same. I joined reddit recently and did a gear post. A lot of people jumped on trashing my stuff because my flashlight only cost 20 bucks and will break (700 lumens and 8 years of edc no issues), and my holster isn't one of the group approved 120 dollar appendix rigs. Everyone said my weapon light wasn't bright enough, but half of them argue on other posts you don't need a wml. My gun is old (gen 3 glock 23) and I should switch to 9mm. Etc.....I've done this to myself when I see a new piece of gear come out too. I start doubting my stuff is good enough.TLDR: Is it okay to buy gear that works for you and carry it for years till it breaks before replacing, despite all the new stuff that comes out in the mean time. Seems like everyone talks crap if your stuff isn't the top of the line. via /r/CCW

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