Monday, June 14, 2021

CCW and traffic stops with someone else driving?

I'm in NC, if it's relevant, I imagine laws might differ.My wife and I both have our CCW permits, but we've got 4 teenagers driving - 1 on a license, and 3 on learners permits.If one of us is driving and we get pulled over, we know how to handle that. (NC is a must notify state)If we are passengers with one of our teenagers driving (Or someone else driving), what are the rules about that? Are we required to notify them, or does that only occur when they ask for my license?Also - All the cars are registered to my wife and I. I assume that when the police pull a car over, they can run the tag and see that it is registered to someone with a CCW. Should I instruct my kids how to handle that encounter?"This car is registered to my dad who has a concealed carry permit, There are no firearms in the car with me." - Sounds awkward as hell, and might just confuse the situation, but I'd hate for them to see my son and think he's got a permit and intentionally did not inform the police of that.For both of these, I'm mostly concerned about what's going to be the best way to handle this to keep everything calm and predictable from the POV of the officer. via /r/CCW

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