Sunday, June 6, 2021

Bumper Stickers

Hey guys, so I was driving home a little bit ago and saw this guy in his car with a bumper sticker that was the Punisher logo, (the skull with the long... teeth? Face? Idk what it is but yeah) and it had the Glock logo over the forehead of the skull. While this was kinda neat looking, its not something you would ever, ever catch me putting on a vehicle I own. Why? Well I don't like bumper stickers much to begin with, but a more practical reason why I wouldn't use a gun logo in particular is because I feel as tho it broadcasts to any potential thief, "hey come break into my car, there might be a nice expensive Glock handgun in here, or a nice expensive Sig handgun, etc..". Guns are a very popular item for people to steal because they are worth a good amount of money, especially when sold illegally to another person, and of course some criminals are interested in getting their hands on guns so that they can use them in the commission of another crime in the future.So how would you feel if you come out of the bar one night or come out of work late one day, or whatever other place you can't have your CCW, and you left your gun in the car, but you come out to the car and surprise! Your window is smashed and your pistol is gone, along with any other valuables in your car. Great, so you tell the cops all about it, how your gun is missing. Well in the meantime, that guy that stole your gun sold it to a guy, who sold it to another guy who then used it to rob and murder someone. Yeah its not "your fault" directly but a gun that was yours and is your responsibility to protect and keep was used to kill someone.... thats definitely a moral grey area but you bear at least some responsibility in that.... and all because you wanted to have some dumb ass bumper sticker on your car so you could say, "look at me and how tough I am, I got guns!"Hell one of my step-dads friends is a weird older Fudd kinda guy thats all in love with his guns, like its a huge part of his personality and its so strange to me, but anyways, he has like 6 or 7 different gun bumper stickers on his truck and I asked him like aren't you at all worried about someone seeing that and breaking into your car? "No I don't leave my guns in the car! And I'd shoot them if they tried!"Like ok man, first off they can break in your car if there is a gun in there or not, the point is not only to not lose the gun but also not make yourself a target. Also I'm pretty sure you would never catch them but let's say you did, your are going to murder someone for destroying your property, (breaking your car window)? See you in prison then buddy! Oh and you take your gun with you into like bars and shit when you drink? Smart! (Yeah this guy has had his CCW for years and does dumb shit like this). In his mind tho, having these stickers on his car is some sort of deterrent and not an invitation to put a brick thru your window and go thru all your shit looking for an easy to sell expensive item that is also capable of taking a life rather easily.Sorry this was so long but its just something that was on my mind, and I remembered talking to someone that puts these things on their car too and tried to get an idea of why.TLDR: Bumper stickers with gun logos are fuckin dumb, don't be dumb and put them on your car. You don't need to and you shouldn't advertise the fact you own guns and that you may have them on your person or in your vehicle to literally everyone. via /r/CCW

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