Tuesday, June 1, 2021

AIWB: Teach me about clips. Single, dual, high mount, low mount...

In general, teach me more about clips for AIWB holsters.Some holsters use clips attached low on the holster, some use clips attached high.Some use one wide clip, some use dual narrow clips mounted side by side some use dual clips mounted far apart, some use a single narrow clip.How do these differences tend to impact how the holster carries, or other aspects of holster performance?So far all I can figure out with common sense is:single narrow clip is less conspicuous on a belt than wide or dual clipslow attachment point allows for shirt tucked in (?)single probably allows for more movement of holster (?) (personal preference?)Edit: I'm primarily talking about gun holster only, not gun+mag sidecar via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/34CG7XA

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