Sunday, October 18, 2020

pepper spray vs baton ? self defense

Hi, I like to go out with my friends during late hours. Laws on self defense are not as free in Czechia (my country) as they are in the US. I can safely use a pepper spray without getting into trouble. There are groups of people attacking and robbing near where i live. They're not like big gangs/groups that will ruin your day life or something like that.. but they can try to rob you during night time and sometimes beat you up. I have a few friends that got attacked by some groups. I know.. best thing to do is to just not go near them in the first place but, This got me concerned about my self defense and my friends. I started doing mma recently but I'm not confident enough in my abilities to defend myself and my friends unnarmed. Sometimes running is not an option when we have girls with us. I already have a pepper spray but I'm curious if it's enough. I never got attacked personally so I don't really know in what scenario would a baton be helpful. Any tips ? Why would you choose a baton over a pepper spray ?

Submitted October 18, 2020 at 02:11PM by TikiCruise

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