Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Multifamily Asset Manager

As brief as I can be with all necessary details: When we buy apartment complexes, we walk as pairs alongside a maintenance man 100% of apartment units in the complex.Two days prior to walk, management alerts both hard and soft copy (email and note on door) all residents that there “Is an inspector coming two days from now.” This notice fulfills the lease contract requirement and allows us to enter the residence if they are not home.The scenario question is what I am to do if maintenance man knocks, yells “maintenance” into the unit, waits for answer and receives none, and my colleague and I walk into the “vacant” unit to inspect, but are met with a weapon yielding resident. Some residents work during the night so they sleep through us yelling maintenance, so it’s not far fetched that someone could round a corner to someone entering their door they don’t recognize since the maintenance man doesn’t walk in with us.My plan would be to show my hands and deescalate as much as I can saying “inspector from apartment management”, but some residents do not speak English. Would I only sensibly reveal a concealed weapon if they rush us or open fire?I apologize if this is a silly question, but it is nerve wracking in certain situations to spend 4 hours walking into 360+ apartment units. Thank you in advance!TLDR: I am a stranger that walks into people’s apartments for my job by unlocking the door when they don’t answer, but they were told two days prior I would be coming and it’s within their lease agreement. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2GBhqC5

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