Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Men try to get me 34f to back off my husband 34m and corner me, and I don’t know the appropriate way to stand my ground

Hello, my husband 34m is strait but friendly and handsome. He is unaware of when gay men are hitting on him and when strait men want me to back off so they can start a platonic bromance.

I 34f am slightly more street smart and aware than he is but neither of us are particularly intimidating so usually I use smarts rather than aggressive/angry behavior to escape unsafe situations.

Over 25 times I have had men both gay and strait come up to me and corner me, yell or be aggressive in attempts to get me to leave the area or room for a while, so they can be alone with my husband and try to talk to him. If I don’t leave they continue to have a borderline tantrum. Or if my husband leaves the room they will be very aggressive so my husband never fully sees what’s happening.

I have read that speaking up when people have crossed a line makes you look jealous and puts you at a disadvantage or doesn’t give you leverage. The people that do this are strangers as well as acquaintances so it adds another level of complication, as I really don’t want anyone to gang up on me further and convince anyone I’m controlling who my husband is talking to.

How can I give myself autonomy if I am physically cornered or verbally assaulted?

TLDR: My husband isn’t street smart and isn’t aware of when aggressive men are trying to take me down. This puts me at a disadvantage as I need to be the leader in keeping us safe as we go out and about. I regularly get aggressive men trying to fight (yell, stand off, physically push me) me for my husband. How can I stay safe and get some autonomy if I’m being cornered by a jealous person ready to get in a verbal or physical fight?

Submitted October 13, 2020 at 04:55AM by BlueRazberry7 https://ift.tt/3iVrHq4

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