Monday, October 12, 2020

Entering Illinois with another states permit

I know this has been asked before and I did search but I was hoping to get fresh information. I am a Michigan resident with said states CPL and may soon need to go to Chicago for a few days. I’ve no particular interest in going unarmed and from what I’ve read I am under the impression I can drive across the line armed in my car and that is legal so long as I leave the gun in the car locked up should I need to get out. Also I can take it into the hotel with me. Do I carry it on me in the hotel or do the awkward disarm in the car and go inside and then rearm the weapon?Obviously I’d prefer to just carry on like I would in MI but I’d rather play by the rules and not find myself in any trouble with daddy government.Can anyone give me the short scoop on what I can and cannot do?I’d be staying at the same hotel the work function is at and have no issue leaving it in the room and really don’t mind leaving it in the room to go eat nearby as legally would have to but in regards to driving there (hotel) and walking up to the room? What and I allowed. via /r/CCW

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