Saturday, October 17, 2020

Double action vs. Single action for appendix carry

Alright guys. I’m new to carrying. Appendix is comfortable and very easy to conceal for me. Also, I’m scared to shoot my cock off.I KNOW this is probably some beginner BS. maybe I’ll get over it and be cool like everyone else and carry a Glock with one in the chamber. I don’t want to carry with the safety on. I don’t like the sound of an extra step when I unholster (God forbid)I’ve come across some people who like double action for this very reason. What do you think? Am I overthinking? I know Guns don’t just shoot themselves but the reality is we’re human. One mistake reholstering and you could be dead, or worse.Do you carry a double action? What gun? I’m interested in the CZ Rami, but the truth is the striker fired options are far better as far as conceal-ability is concerned.(sig p365, hellcat etc.)Please share your thoughts below. Thank you. via /r/CCW

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