Sunday, October 18, 2020

Concealed carrying against company policy

(North Carolina) I work in retail loss prevention in a store. It is against company policy for my store and most stores for an LP employee (or any employee) to carry a weapon. I know that company policy doesn't equal law. I don't have any sort of security license or "guard card" that states I'm to be armed or unarmed. Even though (to my knowledge) I wouldn't be breaking any laws by CCW in the store during my shifts, I would however be in violation of company policy and immediately fired if my weapon was discovered.My plan is to CCW anyway because of the transitional space between the store and my parked car. Our store is in a bad part of town with a dimly lit parking lot. Just a few weeks ago someone pulled a gun on someone else right outside our front door. And no, I don't plan on going Rambo if a robber shows up or shooting a shoplifter that pushes me around. It's just for an "oh shit I'm about to die" situation.I plan to carry a small .380 so that I have as little chance of being discovered/printing as possible, but still be carrying something rather than nothing. I understand that I will be fired if it's ever discovered that I'm carrying, but unless a life or death situation arises, no one should ever know. We're hands-off, and it's not like our managers pat us down or run us through a metal detector. My mindset is that if I'm ever in the situation where I have to pull out my gun, my job will be the last thing on my mind. I'd rather be unemployed than dead. Is this stupid?Specifically my question is: should I risk being unarmed in a life or death situation, or should I risk losing my job if my gun is ever discovered? via /r/CCW

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