Monday, October 26, 2020

CCW Training - Unsettling Experience

Here in CA we are required to take an 8 hour class + qualify with our firearms. Every 2 years we are required to take a 4 hour refresher and qualify with our firearms. Certainly an infringement, a burden on time and expense. My issues with that aside, the qualification was absolutely inadequately administered.Over the weekend we had 10 shooters - most of which were renewing their permit (6/10)The lady next to me was renewing and had a revolver and a Glock to qualify with. On the firing line:She did not know how to open her revolver cylinderHad serious trouble loading her revolver/using her speed clipsCompletely missed the B-27 target from 7 yards on her first 2 shotsOn holstering here middle and ring finger were dancing all over the place and sometimes ended up inside the trigger guard. I thought she was going to shoot herself in the leg.With her Glock, she didn't know how to release the magazine or release the slide.She racked the slide with her finger inside the trigger guardOverall it was pretty nerve racking being next to her. The instructor was right there and if he wasn't I would have removed myself from the firing line.Looking down the line - almost everyone's shots were all over the place with several shooters completely missing the target on some of their shots. This is a massive B-27 from 3, 5, and 7 yards.I'm not sure how many of the shooters should have failed but everyone "passed." I believe if you need a CCW you should be able to get one ASAP without jumping through hoops and expensive training but if you are renewing - it really is scary how lacking many were with basic gun handling. I really feel like the instructor does everyone a disservice passing everyone.For reference, my county's requierments:10 yards, 5 rounds center mass - We never shot from 10 yards7 yards, 5 rounds while walking to cover (diagonal) at 5 yards. Reload behind cover and 5 rounds into center mass utilizing cover. We never shot while walking. We drew our weapon while taking a single step to the side.3 yards, 5 rounds center massPassing Percentage 100% of rounds on (b-27 or similar sized) silhouette targetUnsatisfactory firearms safety, familiarity, or weapons handling will result in and automatic failure.I know the sentiment is mandatory training is an infringement but I don't feel comfortable with the skill of several of the people who qualified. They really have zero excuses. There are several groups in our area what provide free or practically free instruction. via /r/CCW

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