Thursday, October 15, 2020

Best Self Defense Weapon to Carry

Good evening, figured this would be the best place to get some advice. I just recently moved for school about a month ago and have never lived anywhere remotely like the city- I grew up in a small horse town and lived there until I graduated high school. Now that I’m in the city, living in college housing I’ve seen a lot of threatening people on the streets and found out today that one of my roommates had their key stolen, and got locked out while I was away for five minutes because someone was presumably trying to get in. I believe I’m able to defend myself; I’m a 6’2 guy and I always try to walk confidently with my eyes up, making eye contact etc, but you just never know what people have or will try. TL:DR, I’m a small town kid who doesn’t know much of my way around the city and want to know the best self defense weapon to protect myself and others if needed. Thank you for anyone who reads or responds to this!

Submitted October 15, 2020 at 11:22PM by teamroper18

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