Saturday, October 10, 2020

25/M — Forced to draw my weapon and place someone at gun point for the first time....

It has been on my mind all week; early last Monday morning I was almost to sleep when I heard a truck exhaust outside my home. Upon observation out a window 2 guys were actively attempting to steal my 16’ trailer valued $2,500

I have been a CCW and gun owner for 3 years now. This was it, the first time I have found myself in a situation where I have to confront a crime being committed against me and I knew I could not go out there without my gun.....Man it was scary seeing these two guys outside my bedroom window at 3am stealing from me. Almost could not believe it.

Auto-pilot takes grip as grab my 9mm shield and head for the front door. I open the door and immediately place the criminals at gun point while screaming at the top of my lungs. “Get the **** out off of my property, I am armed prepared to stop any threat to me, ******* leave, **** you mother********* GET THE **** away”

Somehow they had the trailer hooked up already. But boy, were these guys SCARED. Looked like they shit their pants.

They sped away quickly and I called 911 as I observed the direction they were heading. Thankfully a deputy intercepted the truck and trailer when a foot chase ensued, they hid and 15 deputies plus 2 K9 dogs apprehended.

I retrieved my trailer and they were arrested for grand theft and possession of meth.

It was exhilarating. I will never forget the first time having to put somebody committing a crime against me at gun-point and threaten their life. Bad ass for sure and I did not sleep that night, the adrenaline pumping afterwards was overwhelming.

My reason for the post is that at the same time the more important thing to come from this is how in control of things I felt. You don’t know what you will do until you know. It is a great feeling that I did not just start shooting tires or something crazy like an irresponsible gun owner would do. I was only 15 feet from these guys too, extremely close. My mind constantly gauged the subjects for personal threats and through the chaos happening, I calmly understood my yes/no’s regarding use of weapon. Even as they hit reverse and I started to chase the vehicle, I clearly thought “what if they have a gun in the truck, I better retreat” and moved backwards not forwards. Trigger finger disciple was at 100% and just proud of myself for how I reacted that night & wanted to share!

Submitted October 10, 2020 at 07:15PM by princeofpecantree

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