Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Some CCW truisms that really cannot be disputed: A Clapback on BS
Makes you think twice about light placement when searching for a threat. More info in the comments
I moved up from a glock 42 to a glock 26 and had some fun with it
Another fantasy beast, I guess. This is basically the exact gun I carried during my five or so months as a delivery driver, and some of my time as a retail worker. I actually carried a G17 with light and red dot for a while in retail. This sits next to a tourniquet IWB as well.
Tx ltc background consent. Anyone ever see this before?
Another fantasy beast, I guess. This is basically the exact gun I carried during my five or so months as a delivery driver, and some of my time as a retail worker. I actually carried a G17 with light and red dot for a while in retail. This sits next to a tourniquet IWB as well.
New pocket carry, got it for shorts and to avoid awkwardly flashing people my IWB.
aIWb gLOcK 19's WITh rED dOtS and ligHts ArE PuRe fantaSY. no OnE eDC's THIs SHiT.
Just took my CCW class and have even MORE questions now than before! About legal shootings
Bought my first gun (vp9) just curious if a stomach holster exists?
Dash camera captures man shooting through own windshield in Orange County
Worth getting a Kubaton or risky?
A few days ago I got assaulted on my way to my car after work. Guy swung at me, I pushed him and when I saw him pull something out of his pocket I just ran as fast as possible into a crowded area and lost him. Got me thinking I should start carrying something to defend myself with if running can't work in the situation. Probably one of the most popular tools for self defense is mace so I got some of that but I've been looking into other things for the sake of options.
I've searched up on a kubaton here and the answers seem mixed. Some people say it's better than nothing. Others say it's too risky because it can be considered a weapon and it's used close ranged. I've heard stun guns have also been considered not very practical or good.
Unfortunately I live in Cali and though I'm doing my research I hear it can be a little difficult obtaining a CCW here. The area I work at has gone from decent to dodgy especially due to all of the recent events. Now I know, I can learn how to defend myself and I will. I can park my car in our lot and just pay the fee. I can leave in a group of friends. I can run. But when it boils down to it, as a smaller guy IF I have to use some sort of weapon to create some space and get away, besides some pepper spray is there anything else to use? Is a kubaton worth carrying?
Submitted September 30, 2020 at 02:27PM by Odd_Horse
Any motorcycle riders on here?
John Correia of Active Self Protection will be doing an AMA today, 9/30/2020 at 12PM Pacific.
Yes, another post for CCW Holster (43x)
Situational Awareness. Never turn your back on people acting strangely.
Submitted September 30, 2020 at 09:48AM by UrbanAbsconder
Experiences with a Shield 45?
Florida CCW application turnaround timeframe.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Home inspector carry location
Left handed shooter switching to right.
Parents don’t like me carrying
Man shoots through his own windshield at another driver at interstate speed. Don't be this guy. Pull over, take an exit, etc. De-escalate when possible.
M&P 9 2.0 compact vs 9mm shield
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Is a Vedder really all that great?
TN handgun Permit timeline Start to finish.
10 years of daily carry.
Active Shooter
Monday, September 28, 2020
Ladies! Your favorite belt/holster?
Carry while camping or no?
Anyone Carry a P80 Build?
Do other CCW holders lose interest in full size handguns after their permit or is it just me?
Effective but portable weapons against vicious dogs?
Last night my dog and I were viciously attacked by two German shepherds. I’ve resolved to start carrying a weapon on our walks. I want something that’s light and easily portable but can still drive off a medium to large dog. I’m considering a telescoping baton. What recommendations do you have?
Submitted September 28, 2020 at 08:50PM by falgoutsethm