Tuesday, July 21, 2020

So some guy in phoenix was killed by the police after answering the door with gun in hand. What are ways one can solidly confirm that it IS the police outside if you don’t have a camera?

https://youtu.be/m9YmwDB2c6wSo there’s a lot of Justified outrage in this shooting bc not only was it over a noise complaint but the guy seem to be complying in the end. The second cop was just too fast on the trigger.How the police as a whole should be trained/vetted for intense scenarios is a conservation to be had, but what can a responsible armed citizen do at 4 am (assume you can not afford cameras or your rental residence doesn’t allow them) to mitigate potential situations like this. The ppl knocking on your door can be categorized into 1)Good guy neighbor 2) criminal(s) 3) police or another governmental agency. As a newer gun owner who lives in an apartment with only a peephole I’m especially curious about inputs this sub may have. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2WJq3j5

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