Thursday, July 23, 2020

Just witnessed the misuse of a CCW, and it was good reminder what adrenaline does.

Story:Just about 40 minutes ago I took my dog for a walk around the building at work (he's been coming to the office with me since he was a pup). When rounding the last corner to return to our office I saw an early 30s slightly disheveled looking male walking briskly carrying 3 brand new Craftsmen socket sets in their fancy orange boxes. Didn't think much of it until an SUV rolled up in a hurry and screeched to a stop next to the guy. A large mid 50's man jumped out of the SUV and knocked the tools out of the younger guy's hands and they proceeded to get into a physical altercation while the older guy was yelling. I didn't intervene because I didn't know the story, and getting in a physical altercation that's not your own, and you don't know who's "right" while carrying seems like it could turn out badly, so I called 911. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but shortly after they started fighting and while I was on the phone the older guy pulled some sort of 1911 from a concealed holster and started pointing it at the younger guy and telling him to get on the ground. The moment this happened my adrenaline spiked, to the point where I had to ask the 911 operator to repeat her question. I informed her what I was seeing at that moment. The younger guy who had the tools complied and lay on the grown while older guy kneeled on his back and reholstered his firearm. All I could think about was "I don't want to see someone get shot", and the thought of that made me feel shakey. Anyways, the cops showed up and arrested the young guy, who apparently had broken into the older guys store and stole a bunch of tools.​​I feel like the older guy definitely should not have pulled his firearm in this situation. It certainly escalated the situation immensely. Also, this reminded me I should train more drills because, if second hand adrenaline made me feel that way if I ever get into a situation where I need my CCW (God forbid) I will be even more shakey.​Anyways. I just wanted to share and kind of process what I just witnessed. via /r/CCW

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