Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Appendix rig shape

So I’ve been carrying appendix for a little over two years now and can’t imagine carrying anywhere else. It’s super concealable and comfortable with my p365 in an Axis Slim.The other day I was looking at getting another appendix rig for my p320 x compact so that I could have the option of carrying it when I’m wearing looser clothing or more layers, but then I realized that the only reason my current setup is comfortable is because of the dimensions of the bottom of the holster. When you bend at the waist, the bottom corners just barely nick the insides of your thighs so you don’t really feel the holster most of the time. But this becomes a problem for larger guns as the holster size increases. I’m worried about pulling the trigger on something that will end up being a total bust just because of the dimensions of the bottom. My theory is that holster makers need to start making rigs that taper to a more narrow profile at the bottom to be able to sit inside that pocket above your junk where its flat.Keeping this in mind, I ended up going for a Black Rhino concealment appendix rig because that’s exactly what it looks like. They pull the attached mag carrier up high so that it’s only the pistol side comes down low into that pocket, theoretically reducing the width of the bottom and letting it fit between your legs. Heres hoping that it works out. If not I’ll have to return it and try again with something else, maybe fully custom? I am a bit nervous that the holster isn’t flexible like the axis slim, but the profile looks to be pretty much on point with how much my current set up bends when I’m wearing it.Any thoughts on this issue? I cant be the only one who’s noticed. Maybe it can be solved for some people by wearing higher riding pants, but I can’t get a consistent draw if I hike my pants up to my belly button.Here’s a horrendously shitty sketch to help illustrate what I’m on about. via /r/CCW

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