Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hands full of groceries while walking through an urban setting & a homeless guy with a shank. Brief story.

Well folks, its been about three weeks since having my carry license. Today I can report that I'm more than grateful to have an option to deflect harm on myself.Not sure how to flair this post, DGU or Scenario?Why I'm Grateful:The setting was a hot sun shiny day in the city I live in. It was a beautiful day, my head was to the sky as I walked through town. My goal was to walk from my apt into the next neighborhood that has had a reliable grocer. The walk there was just fine. Dodged close contact with anyone, held my breathe while walking though China town. All was well. ( Not racial/Everyone besides me had on a mask ) I grab a few essential items from the acme & then another bag from the liquor store. All this was enough to fill both hands.Having both of my hands taken up made me feel like I wasn't being the sharpest knife I could be so I decided to move my should bag to the opposite side of me ( M&P holstered at 2 o'clock ) & put the heavier items in my left hand. I kept a looser grip in case I needed to drop my bags and draw down. Don't laugh at me. These are trying times && my city has had record breaking homicides this year.Well again, all was well as I made my way back into my neighborhood. That was until I saw a man on the sidewalk leaning against the wall facing away from me down the street. I take notice of this and decided to get my mind and body activated to pay attention. I'm staring him down as I pass. I discreetly double check the path of my firearm grasp. Besides this I'm calm and collected, simply ready to take action. So Im coming up behind this fellow when I noticed something shiny in his hands. This was no regular dude, this was a homeless man with a metal umbrella shaved into a shank. Upon noticing this I figure any deranged homeless guy can wield a strange weapon, whatever he hasn't said anything to me. That until I hear " your such a jerk off" " you're a douche bag you hear me".. this man began shouting but I can still hear he hasn't made any advances to me. I decided to double check just incase so I glanced back for good measure. As I turned my head back around a random fellow comes out from somewhere in front of me. This guy steers clear of me and seemed to be in communication with the first fellow, who had now thrown the shank down and walked away.At the time I couldn't quite piece together what was happening. I was only concerned with the actions that where directly going to result in a negative interaction. What I now believe was happening was that the two where working together in mugging people. I mean the location was right underneath an overpass with barely any traffic at all. The second guy may have chickened out once seeing that I wasn't an easy target, which resulted in the first fellow to start shouting as I had just passed him.Very weird. I certainly felt prepared to take action if it was needed. I believe that my body language spelled out that I was not the best meal ticket for these fellows. Stay diligent & humble my people. My greatest weapon was not my firearm that day. via /r/CCW

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