Monday, March 30, 2020

Story time. Pretty tame, feel free to delete.

So I took my daughter(6) out hiking through the woods behind our house and over to a new housing development breaking ground nearby.We live out the outskirts of town and my daughter and I were about a half-mile away from our neighborhood and about as far from the farm houses that surround us.Well, given the fact that I haven't actually had a chance to put any ammo through the shield I got a few weeks ago I figured I'd go ahead and use one of the dirt mounds in the new construction as a backstop.Told my daughter to cover her ears and try and see where the casing landed and popped one off into the dirt.Anyway, we went on with wandering around the new housing development. My daughter wanted to climb all the "mountains (piled up dirt from regrading) and about 3 minutes later our neighborhood cop drove by. Didn't stop, didn't slow down, just drove past and parked near by.I wear IWB which I cover up with a "tall" untucked polo so... you really can't see it for shit even if you were looking for it. Also our state recently went constitutional carry so I wasn't worried about not having any license.I'm sure it's just a matter of someone hearing the shot from the neighborhood and calling it in. I didn't really expect it to be an issue but I was still puckered pretty hard.Anyway, about 5 minutes later we ended up heading home. The cruiser was still sitting kinda nearby but our cop didn't get out to come talk to us or anything.Was really surprised by how manageable the recoil with the shield was. via /r/CCW

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