Sunday, March 29, 2020

Very nice cop appreciated my proactiveness.

Since the quarantine shutdown, I have been primarily living in my apartment in the town of the college I attend. Yesterday I drove home (about 2 hours away) for the day to spend the day with my family for my sister's birthday. After we had a nice dinner and cake I got back on the road to head back to my college apartment. I would stay with family or the duration of the quarantine, but I still have to attend my work with the veterinary college.Anyway, I had been driving for about an hour and a half at this point, and throughout the drive, there are multiple towns you go through with reduced speeds. The general speed limit in between towns is 65 which I typically set my cruise control on. I entered one of the towns and due to the fact of being lazy since it's late at night and nobody's on the road for the shutdown, I waited a little bit longer to deactivate the cruise and coast down to the new speed of 45. Of course, right as I disengage the cruise I see the cop posted in the median as I pass by and he turns on the lights.I pull into a strip mall parking lot and from there it's pretty standard after he tells me he clocked me at 57 in a 45. I hand him my license and registration and pull up my insurance on my phone all while my hands are shaking for some reason even though I know I'm fine and it's just a speeding ticket. He says thanks and is about to turn back to his squad car as I remember that I wasn't sure if I was legally required to give him my CCW permit. This was the first time I had gotten pulled over after getting the permit, and really the first time I had been legitimately pulled over ever since the only other time was by a fake cop (but that's a different long story). I had gotten the permit a couple of months prior for my 21st birthday and had been researching whether I was legally obligated to present it during a traffic stop but could never get a definitive answer wherever I looked. So I stopped him and said, "before you go, I don't know if I'm supposed to give you this or not, but here's my CCW permit". After briefly shining his light on it he asked, " Ok, where is it?" I told him it was at the 12 o'clock position on my belt in its holster. He then said, "ok, just keep your hands on the steering wheel and I'll be right back"He returned after what seemed like an eternity of one minute. I saw the piece of paper in his hand and was mentally preparing to deal with the fine since I was just nailed in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, by a small-town cop on the popular route to a college town. As he got up to the window he said, "First thing of two I'm gonna tell ya: This is a warning I'm giving you because you were honest and upfront about the permit. Secondly, you need to pull that gun back to either your hip or to more of a 4 o'clock spot for a couple of reasons. "I thanked him for the warning and said that I had been trying both positions over the last couple of months since I had just gotten the permit a few months ago, but I had found that the appendix position was comfortable for my body type.He responded with "well you're young and still have bits that work *down there*, so you don't need to have that thing going off and make you not able to use them if you know what I mean". Mind you, this cop is like the definition of small-town Lower Alabama cop: middle-aged, kinda heavy, shaved head, with a sweet handlebar mustache. He very well could've been my dad at his age and I feel that he knew that too and felt the need to give the advice to a son of sorts. "Also, if you were to get in a wreck, that's just another hunk of metal to hurt you and crush your pelvis."Seeing as he was being friendly and chatty and had nothing better to do I asked him what the legality was behind me giving him the CCW permit, and if I had needed to at all. He said that in our state you don't have to, but he appreciated that I did because it told him that I was being totally honest and not trying to hide anything. He then explained that if for some reason he had needed to get me out of the car, it would have escalated things very quickly and unnecessarily if he found out late that I had the gun without telling him. I thanked him again for the warning and for the advice, and thanked him for being out here while all this craziness is going on which he replied: " Well, somebody's gotta do it".​Thanks for making it this far reading. Please let me know if you have any pros/cons for carrying position that isn't the typical "blow your balls off" or "faster draw time" because I'm still learning and testing out new methods all the time being a relatively new CCW holder and would love to hear what you think. I carry a G43x with a custom leather holster that can go at any position around my waist. I'm a long time lurker on this sub and this is my first real post so I appreciate all the feedback.​TL;DR: Got caught lazily speeding in reduced speed area. The cop gave me a warning because he appreciated me being upfront about having the gun. via /r/CCW

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