Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Resolution: Start carrying with one in the chamber 100% of the time. Would love everyone’s thoughts and ideas.

Been carrying about a year. I travel for work a lot across the US. (I have a FL CCW permit). I just have an irrational fear that the gun going off (especially while pocket carrying of appendix carrying. It is worth noting that I work in surgery and see plenty of gun shot victims (some of them shooting themselves in the leg/genitals ). I also live in the city with the highest homicide rate per capita of 2018 per the FBI (you can probably guess it) and never leave my gun at home but worry about the gun going off while in a “gun free zone.” Into: I carry a Glock 19, Kel-tec p-32 and a sig P238. I don’t have kids and my girlfriend has a permit and carry’s sporadically. And yes I know my likely chance of me being screwed in a gun fight if I carry without one in the chamber. I just need advice how to get out of this irrational fear or ways to be safer while carrying (like not pocket carrying and keeping keys in the same pocket). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks via /r/CCW

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