Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hammer fired (DA/SA or SAO) options?

Okay so I have done some research for a while both on here, YouTube, and Google searching, so I am not coming into this question entirely blind but I still love to gather opinions and other options. For the record the most recent question that was asked similarly to this one appears to be two years old, and I'm assuming more options may have sprouted between then and now which is why I feel it may be necessary to ask again. If I am incorrect in this assumption, please forgive my ignorance.About me: I have nothing against striker fired pistols, just prefer hammer guns. I'm also pretty fat so double stack pistols tend to be more obvious on me, but isn't a big deal in my state. The bigger deal is my hands seem to fit single stacks better and point more naturally. I also prefer compact sizes because I like to be able to get all three fingers on the grip. I am also not really biased to brand, but am definitely biased to throw it in the mud and keep going reliability. Polymer or steel frame, I have no preference but definitely prefer 9mm. Also needs to be sub $2000. I'm saving over time and do have a carry gun in the meantime. I know the argument for not carrying an expensive pistol because it might be seized if used defensively, but I'd rather have one I enjoy practicing with so I will practice even if it costs a bit more.That said, here is what I know about and have been considering (some are double stacks):Dan Wesson DWX CompactCZ 75D or P-01STI Staccato CSpringfield XDe 4"SigSauer P225Kriss Sphinx CompactHK USP Compact (I have a full size that I love)That's the list I know of that can be bought new. If I am missing anything or need to know anything I am open to suggestions. I do prefer a decocker to a manual safety, but I know in the case of a SAO like the STI 2011s, that is N/A. via /r/CCW

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