Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Some food for thought about the responsibility and seriousness of carrying

I saw a comment on here by someone earlier today (forgive me for forgetting their u/ and the post) that said something along the lines of“Are you willing to commit homicide if it’s you or them in a life or death situation? If not you shouldn’t carry” (extreme paraphrase but you get what I mean and maybe even remember that comment).This just kinda sat heavy with me. It’s easy to tell yourself that you can handle the responsibility of carrying, and frankly there’s a 0.0001% chance anyone here is ever involved in a situation ending in that result, but still.Just the wording of it. Really made me think. Personally I live in a very safe area and I more or less carry because I enjoy the hobby of gun ownership and going out shooting, protecting myself is, I wouldn’t say an “afterthought,” but it’s definitely not THE reason I got into firearms and carrying.I know carry insurance exists. I know that self defense and murder are two very different things. But I’m still pondering on it. “Could I pull the trigger” if it was my only option? Yes. But when I think of it as “am I prepared to commit homicide to save my own life”, it puts it all in a different light for me. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just part of being fairly new to carrying and I’ll get over it. via /r/CCW

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