Wednesday, April 17, 2019

CCW culture

I recently got dressed down by a guy at the range for not being "serious enough" about my CCW "experience". I had noticed him practicing his draw, saw his carry location (4 o'clock) and asked him how long it took him to get comfortable getting his clothes out of the way.The guy had problems with my belt. He had problems with how I was wearing my clothes. He had problems that I didn't have a light on my gun, didn't have modified sights. Then the WORST offense of all, he found out that I don't carry all the time.The whole thing left a huge bad taste in my mouth. This does NOT define me as a person. I don't wrap my whole life up in carry. I got my license because I'm sometimes put into situations where I find it necessary to carry. I don't carry every day, and apparently that's a huge no-no.I wear a belt that's comfortable to me and isn't a piece of shit. It didn't cost me $100+. I don't wear clothes that are specifically thought out every day for "how well I can draw". I have a functional gun, I can shoot straight with it, and I'm comfortable defending my life with it.I don't need all the extra shit.I follow this sub because I feel there's sometimes good videos posted, and the scenarios are interesting to me. I don't follow it because it's my way of life.Anyone else out there like me, or am I really just a poser? via /r/CCW

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