Saturday, April 13, 2019

CCW Application Advice (CA)

I am applying in a county that I have a good chance of approval, but I have some questions I could use Reddit’s advice on.First; “Good Cause”. I have never been the victim of a violent crime or burglary but my family and I live in a county where the crime rate is quite high and it is very often a concern. This is essentially my “Good Cause” (I was going to elaborate more in the app, but this is the gist of it). Is there anything you would clarify or emphasize in addition to this to improve my chances of approval?Second; three character reference letters are required. What exactly should the writers talk about? There is no prompt that I can find. It just says “character” reference which is vague. Any tips on the length, topics, or anything like that?Third; one question on the app was “when/where was the last time you received fire arms training?” I have never paid for a formal firearms instruction class, but I am proficient from over 10 years of shooting regularly and informal instruction from friends and more knowledgeable individuals. My question is, would it be worth taking a firearms training class just to say I did on the form?Thanks! via /r/CCW

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