Sunday, January 20, 2019

Road Rage. Would you draw?

So this happened to me around six months ago and is one of the reasons I have my CCW class in early February.I was driving on a one lane road in a very nice part of town. I drive a red mustang so immediately people probably get the idea that I am an entitled douche. I try to always be very nice on the road as my state (Nebraska) was ranked as one of the worst for drivers.Anyway, I was driving with one hand in the 12 o'clock position and the other on the 10 o'clock position. I moved my hand that was at the 12 o'clock position to scratch my head, and noticed immediately that the guy in front of me took notice or thought I had made some sort of hand gesture at him.As odd as this seemed to be, I immediately took notice as he nearly slammed on his brakes and began trying to brake check me. I noticed there was a car directly behind me, and the lane with the opposite traffic was pretty busy. On top of that, there were no turn offs or driveways or anything, and there are also big drainage ditches on the sides of the road, so I realized I was stuck if anything were to happen.Then shit happened. After the third or fourth time of him brake checking me (by this point, I had backed off a lot), he slammed on his brakes completely to a full stop. This whole time, I noticed him keep looking back as he was getting more flustered. It should be said that at this point, I had literally done nothing but moved my hand to itch my head.The car that had been behind me was still a little distance away, so I immediately slammed on my breaks and put it into reverse and went twenty or so feet. The guy in the car reversed too and got so close to my car, I still don't know how he didn't hit me.At this point I am in complete shock as I have never had anything like this happen to me before. I saw his car door quickly open as he jumped out and started aggressively pacing towards my car with me in it. Windows are all rolled up and doors are locked. I immediately started screaming at him to get back in his expletive car and stuff like that. Probably not the best idea to be cussing at him, but the situation was weird.As he got within feet of my car window, something must have clicked in his mind that he was doing something naughty and he sped off. I kept my distance and turned off as soon as I could.I immediately made a police report and in the heat of the moment, my dumbass didn't get his plate #. I now have a dash camera and am in the process of getting my CCW.My question is - would you have drawn? What would you have done in this situation? What should I have done differently? via /r/CCW

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