Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Help with confronting FIL about his lack of proficiency with CCW.

So this may be a little different than the type of post that normally gets posted here but this community seems to have a well rounded knowledge about carrying a firearm.Background: Both myself and my FIL carry concealed on a daily basis. He has for as long as I have known him (about 9 years). On multiple occasions he has mentioned that he hasn’t shot his weapon in years. When I first met him he carried a Smith and Wesson .38 Special 6 shot revolver but has since switched to a Glock 19 with a Glock 17 magazine. He carries it stuck in his waist band without a round chambered. He is the type of person that when he puts the pistol in his pants he thinks he is invincible. He also talks about it often and with anyone who is sporting a noticeable CCW or open carry or anyone with branded clothing. I on the other hand like to keep a low profile about it it. This brings me to my problem.Over the past week we have been on a family vacation. Both of us have been carrying and it is all he wants to talk about. We were near a shooting range and finally I had enough, I asked if he wanted to go shooting. He agrees and we go. I am already assuming that he may not be good. I am by no means a professional but I train often and have been around firearms my whole life. I was truly shocked at how bad he is. He wanted to begin at the same distance I did (15 yards) and he had a ton of questions,which is good, but didn’t follow any of the instructions. Once he pulled the tigger once it was like he couldn’t stop. Of the 17 rounds he may have put 5 on paper. I won’t say on target, just on paper. I decide to ignore what just happened and bring my target in to 7 yards and just go from there. I had a pretty good round 15 rounds at various speeds all on target. I think maybe seeing me shoot slowly will make him feel like it is ok to take your time. Nope. He all but dumps the magazine. At 7 yards he is all on paper with a few on target. This goes on for another 100 rounds or so. I try to get him to slow down but it is like he has no self control once he starts firing. Not to mention he keeps forgetting the range rules and leaves the table with his firearm in hand. He was reprimanded twice.Fast forward a few days and his head is inflated so bad he can’t fit through the door. It is like he took that season to reaffirm that he is a badass or something. Honestly I feel that he should not be carrying a weapon until he has some type of training, if a situation were to ever arise I know without a doubt he will pull out his weapon (unchambered) and proceed to either get killed or kill an innocent bystander. I have never felt as uncomfortable around some with a firearm as him ( save for people who open carry in a cheap holster that is sagging so bad the pistol is nearly falling out, see it all the time). How do I tell him he needs training? just out right? Or should I try and make sure he practices more by inviting him along? We aren’t especially close and don’t want any more involvement with him than I have too but I feel he is a danger to others with his current level of ability, but he acts like he is John Wick.TL;DR FIL doesn’t have the level of proficiency that he thinks and is a potential danger to those around him. How do I make sure he gets the training he needs to be a responsible CCWer? via /r/CCW http://bit.ly/2s3GhnC

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