Wednesday, January 23, 2019

First time soon-to-be firearm owner with questions

My gf and I are moving out west this summer and we will be road tripping for a couple months before we settle down. We believe that it would be a smart, and safe, idea for me to get my ccw permit and a pistol beforehand, for self defense only. I’m currently in the beginning stage of researching to get a ccw permit and I thought it would be beneficial to get this thread’s opinions on this whole process. I don’t have any background knowledge of pistols, so I’m unsure where to begin to look. I’m not entirely unfamiliar with firearms, I’m an Eagle Scout and through that, I’ve have had plenty of experience shooting both rifles and shotguns, in addition of growing up with both of my parents being Army vets. Just wanted to get everyone’s thoughts on a reliable handgun, as well as insight on quality firearm lock boxes. Thanks everyone! via /r/CCW

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