Sunday, November 4, 2018

A few lessons from a not-so-dangerous encounter

Yesterday morning I had to take my daughter to an early volleyball tournament. Given that this was a Saturday morning trip to a gun free zone, I left my holster and weapon in the safe. As I am backing out of my driveway, an Escalade pulls across the opening, neatly trapping me. I honk. Nothing happens. I honk again. The driver turns and locks eyes with me. I am frozen with indecision for the next five seconds (though it felt like an eternity) with the following going through my head 1. This looks way too much like the opening scene of a CBS crime drama 2. Fu- (restrained myself from swearing for the sake of my daughter). 3. Drive over the lawn and escape! 4. Can’t run. Wife, two sons, a niece, and a nephew are all still in the house 5. Drive back in the garage, close the door, get the AR, call the copsAs I finally decide on a course of action and start to move, the Escalade peels out and heads out of the neighborhood at high speed. So, it was not a home invader - just a garden variety jack@ss.The lessons for me were: 1. Always take your CCW - even for short trips to gun free zones“War game” potential scenarios in advance. It should not have taken me that long to decide to head back into the garage.Don’t play stupid jokes in Texas. It may not end well.Edit: Going back into the garage was the right course of action, even if I had been armed. via /r/CCW

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