Saturday, April 27, 2024

Any way to train basic fighting w/out instructors

My parents have been more and more hostile,especially my dad and the fact that he stopped smoking is probably a reason for that too. He attacked my mom about a month ago and I had to step in and stop it. But I know damn well I wouldn’t stand a chance if he actually were to throw a punch. I’m on edge everyday around him and even stay close to my mom when they are arguing just in case. (he threw a table at her when I was 7,and left her on the side of a road when I was 13. This is not new btw) I want to know how to get better at fighting or atleast not be shaky and seem confident. I do know how to throw a punch and I have a bit of expirience,but with people same age as me and same type of body. He is ~90kg,pretty fat,but has a lot of arm strenght,not too much back strengh I think tho. I can give a better description if needed.

TL;DR:My dad is attacking my mom a lot and I want to be able to fight him if needed.

Submitted April 27, 2024 at 01:10PM by M1KK1_

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