Sunday, July 3, 2022

Recent event was insightful.

Recently I was driving home from work and out of no where I notice a large white pickup truck on my ass. I didn't see where he came from so quickly behind me. I live out in the countryside and there's a lot of people who let dogs run wherever and young kids who play in yards without fences soi was too focused ahead of me. Just the day before had fine gravel put on it due to the heat. So I thought maybe he got behind me and it kicked some up and he was pissed. I loved over a bit if he was wanting to pass but he stayed on my ass for the whole way back to my street. So I started turning down every other street, and sure enough he followed me down every one. At one point I was literally driving in circles going down streets. My phone unfortunately I had placed in a work bag that was in the back of my car.. so I couldn't get to it to try and call police if need be. I figured I would just drive all around till he got tiered of it. I drive a prius and I couldn't see the driver due to his truck behing so close and lifted.In my head I was going through the conversation of "hey sorry man if I cut you off of something I don't want any trouble or anything, I'm sorry if I may have kicked some grave up at you, I didn't see you there till you where right behind me, I've had some kicked up at me too"While also mentally going though checks for "I know there is a bullet in the chamber, I know there is no saftey, if for any reason our vehicles stop and they get out look at hands and the face. Do they look enraged, are they holding anything are they reaching for anything? Make sure your seat belt is out of the way so it doesn't get snagged if drawing seated. Do not get out of the car"And I ended up at a stop sign and several of the housed had people in the yard. And the guy pulls up on my left almost blocking me from going further and there were several cars coming down the street ahead. So now I'm thinking I'm stuck unless I reverse and turn around.So I start to make sure I'm good to back up but he has already jumped out of the car and if at my window.Turns out it was a 17 year old kid I worked with for a year or so that has been in a "military camp" for the past year but does live a few streets over who just wanted to say hi...Unfortunately this kid is the "haha as a joke ill drive as close as I can to your car while going 55mph" or "ill play chicken with oncoming traffic while I record it on snapchat" type of kid..In that moment of realization of it being him I felt the adrenaline that had been going on. My hand was on my pistol ready to draw and the moment he started running around the cab to get to my driver's side window. My limbs were shaking and I after knowing it was fine was very out of it.I'm no Stanger to videos from active self protection and alike, I know how nasty road rage can get. A town over a guy followed two guys back to work and shot the passenger over the driver cutting him off.My was still looking around and over my shoulder making sure there wasn't any other "threat" and was nervously playing over de escalation phrases in my head as he's asking how work has been.Rather frightening but glad it ended the way it did.Anyone think of what things that could have been done better? And how soon after thinking somone is following you fo you think it's appropriate to call cops? Definitely not going to forget my phone in my work bag. First time I've done it and last time!Long story short: had a guy fallow me from work and eventually try and cut me off and got out of his vehicle, I thought it was road rage but turned out to be a kid I worked with before trying to get my attention to say hi. via /r/CCW

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