Friday, July 22, 2022

Is Unholstering a CCW in a stall at a range a no-no?

I went to my local range the other day carrying my ccw and my gun/ammo bag with another pistol. The guy at checkout gave me the usual run down of the rules: No rapid fire, no double tap, no drawing from the holster, no steel case, gun always pointed down range, eyes and ears at all times, no cameras or phones. All good.I put on my eyes and ears and went to my stall. I took my pistol out of its case and put it on the table with my boxes of ammo. I took my ccw off my hip (unholstering it), cleared it, and put it on the table with my other pistol. After I did a few groups the RSO came over and stated chatting about my guns. When I mentioned that I normally carry one of them he asked why it was on the table. I didn't quite understand what he meant. Obviously so I could practice with it... I thought maybe he was asking why I was shooting the other gun if I normally carry this one. Then I thought maybe he meant, "why isn't it on your hip?" It turns out it was the latter.The guy was really friendly and relaxed about it, and assured me that he didn't want to give me the impression that the range didn't want me to carry at all. But he clarified that "no drawing from the holster" meant I could only unholster if I were in a life or death situation. He also said that I could not reholster it when I left, and I would have to put it back in its case when I was finished.I guess my understanding of "no drawing from the holster" was "don't draw and shoot," or maybe even more generally, "don't draw and present". I didn't think it meant "do not ever remove a weapon from a holster". If the rule was "no unholstering or drawing from the holster" I would have never taken it off my waist.I have seen - only in videos, thankfully - people who unholster their CCW in the retail part of a gun store to show other people what they are running, and I know that a huge no-no, as is unholstering in public in general. I thought of all places that I could take off my CCW, it would be in a stall at a gun range, but I guess I was very mistaken. Is that the normal interpretation of such a rule? Am I a dumbass for thinking it was OK to unholster at an indoor range? I always try to be as careful and responsible as possible with and around firearms, so if I am doing something wrong, I want to be corrected.I can certainly understand why this would be the rule, as it increase the risk of negligent discharges at the range. It's just kind of inconvenient if I want to practice with the same gun I am carrying to and from the range. I could probably unholster in my car, but I often ride my motorcycle, or even bicycle to this range.What do you guys think?TL;DR: Is unholstering a loaded CCW in a stall at a gun range frowned upon/not allowed? via /r/CCW

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