Friday, July 29, 2022

Men who Approach me in the Dark make me Very Angry

In less than 2 days, I have been followed by 2 different men in Long Beach, CA One man rode up behind me on a bicycle very fast while I was walking on the side walk and I yelled some profanity at him because he scared me. He then threatened that I better be nice next time because I don't know if he is a serial killer. He followed me for a couple of minutes yelling nasty sexual insults at me and again mentioned I might be killed if I am not nice to the wrong person. What an awful thing to say! And also a stupid choice to approach me on a dark street from behind and expect me to be nice to him?! Then tonight, a guy drives up to me while I'm walking home, and again it is in the darkest part of the street, and, " excuse me?? I think you are so beautiful.." I ignore him, and cross the street behind his car and he cusses me out.

I am so mad. I am now carrying a taser with me and this is such a bad situation, because I get so mad at these guys with these horrible approaches that I want to tase them immediately. BTW, I am usually just going for a quick walk because it helps me sleep, so it is not like I'm all dressed up to expect people to flirt with me. I'm currently thinking about getting a gun. I don't know how else to handle this. There is no way in hell I'm going to just act nice to these guys who think it's a great idea to approach me in the dark. They are going to be in for a suprise attack because I've been so bothered that I'm feeling crazy. What else should I do? In reality, I can't avoid ever going out at night. I also can't afford to get a big dog right now. Is it illegal to tase someone who is not clearly attacking me, but is starting to harass me? Such as the guy who warned me to be nice next time or I could get killed? Should I have just turned towards him, and tase him?

Submitted July 29, 2022 at 01:55AM by Aquariusmoon10

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