Monday, July 18, 2022

Could you ACTUALLY harm someone in self-defense?

What’s your take on the argument that you probably wouldn’t be able to retaliate and defend yourself in a self-defense situation for fear of harming another person? I see this often in Reddit threads making fun of people for carrying guns or having a home defense plan (even over things like keeping a baseball bat next to your dresser).

“Do you REALLY think you could bring yourself to use a gun/knife/bat/etc. on another human being?”

If that human being is obviously trying to kill/seriously harm me or my loved ones, the answer is yes, absolutely. I don’t see the point of shaming people in a gaslighty way for seriously considering this stuff (besides some weird version of pacifist virtue signaling by sheltered individuals). I love my life and my loved ones, and if I have to shoot, stab, or smash someone trying to end it, so be it.

Submitted July 18, 2022 at 09:48AM by Any-Boysenberry1517

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