Monday, September 20, 2021

The time the ATF had a explosives and gun sniffing dog in a classroom while I was concealed carrying.

So this actually happened a little while ago and just figured I'd share it cause it's kinda funny but also insightful. I was in my last semester of college and in TX it's legal to carry on college campuses so I always did just in case. I had no other classes to take for my degree but needed one more to fill my schedule so I took an intro to criminal justice class for fun. The instructor was a retired ATF agent that even claimed to be at the Waco siege back in the day.(Yes, I know... Not saying that's a good thing)So eventually he says we are going to have a dog handler friend of his come in and we can ask questions and talk to him and such, so we go into the auditorium and I sit front row and he's telling us about the dog and he says how this dog has found guns and other explosives hidden very well many times, guns that people searching hadn't found with hours of searching...and here I am sitting with a p365 holstered at 4oclock ten feet from the dog.Then he goes on to say he's gonna do a demonstration for us, which makes me feel even better that now he's gonna have this dog actively searching for a scent around the room I'm in. So he sets out a road flare (apparently they smell like explosives) and hides it in the back of the class. He gives the command and the dog goes crazy and starts searching around the room, he even comes within a few feet of I am thinking I'll freak out all these kids too young to even own a handgun by being alerted on and having to explain myself...and the dog goes right on by until he finds the road flare hidden behind a trash can and alerts...phew!A bit later he's taking questions so I raise my hand and ask "so what stops him from alerting on guns of cops and others that are around?" He tells me the dog is trained to ignore the smell when it's on someone, as that's not his job. He's only meant to find bombs and guns when they are hidden somewhere and they never do on-body searches because of this. The class ends and everything goes fine...and I now have a story about how I was very freaked out carrying a gun in a class with a gun dog! I definitely learned something from that, but regardless it stressed me out a bit at the time.Tl;Dr: I was CCing a gun in class during a demonstration of a gun sniffing dogs abilities but the dog passed right by me when searching for a scent. Turns out he was trained to ignore on-body smells, situation avoided. via /r/CCW

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