Sunday, September 26, 2021

Suggestion for pants… please help.

Ok I know this might be considered off topic. But I can’t very well go off into a men’s fashion or fat guy sub and talk about carrying my Glock.I’m in need of jeans or cargos, preferably jeans, for everyday wear that fit me and will work for appendix carry or 4 o’clock.I’m 6’5 and 290lb. I always have worn low rise pants because of my gut and lack of ass. As such I’ve always open carried, but really want to start concealed. Problem is, if I carry in low rise IWB, I can’t appendix, and at 4 o’clock, my pants either fall when I sneeze or my shirt rides up and shows.So I need some jeans that will fit at my natural waist. Mid rise are no good because then the belt and buckle tear into me and my carry pokes out at weird angles. But something high rise is going to sit flat and also cover part of my gut. I also have a short waist and a long inseam. I’m talking 35” inseam.If any of you are bigger guys… or married to bigger guys… please help. via /r/CCW

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